Corner hides are exceedingly challenging odor puzzles which can trip up many teams.
In this webinar, Tony will highlight what we can do as handlers and trainers to help our dogs better understand and tackle their corner hides.
This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "training tips, examples and explanations." Denise B
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "The clear instructions and systematic approach to training." Adele M.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Specific tips to try with my dogs, very helpful instead of generalized theoretical information." Gayle M.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Awesome content. Tony is a great teacher." Susan R.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Information on teaching my dog to work corners and the importance of doing so." Diane V.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Once again Tony has presented an outstanding training. I find this very beneficial because so many people fail to training corners and tight spots with their dogs. Now I have the knowledge to do so. Thank Tony and Dianna" Michael T.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "One of the most engaging and informative webinars I've taken. Can't wait to do more of Tony's webinars!!! Easy training steps (1,2,3), lots of great examples and answers to questions. Great instructor." Jenifer W.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Tony always delivers more than what you think will be in a webinar. He has a wealth of knowledge that he freely shares, is thoughtful about his responses, and has a lot of meat in his presentation. Today was no exception with covering not only corner hides, but also bringing in basic training concepts, pooling odor, and differentiating dog behaviors based on type of hides. This is one to listen to several times." Rachel H.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Specific step by step instructional strategies for getting the dog to value corners. Specific instructional strategies for gradually taking corner hides from being easy to source to more difficult. Clarity of instruction" Pam M.
What did you enjoy about this webinar: "Tony is great. No one I have heard before has ever made corners so important, not only to go there to find a hide but to get information because odor falls into corners. Super valuable information. Also, hiding the hide behind the sheet of paper especially for newbies even on primary was amazing to do to my students. It is funny how the humans look for the hides with their eyes to help their dogs so it was a great surprise to let them know their dogs know what they are doing." Terri G.
We have been incredibly fortunate to host Tony for several webinars, be certain to check them all out, your dog will thank you:
Scent Work Instructor
Tony Gravley

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Tony Gravley. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.