Influence of Dog's Reactivity on their Scent Work Training and Trialing Webinar

Regular price $35.00
Regular price Sale price $35.00
  • Trial Prep Program
  • Instructor: Sue Sternberg
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual Access

Can a dog’s temperament qualities influence their performance at a Scent Work trial? Does a dog’s reactivity with other dogs affect their distractibility during searches?

In this webinar, Sue will be addressing some temperament qualities in our dogs that she believes can influence their training and trialing, not just being more distracted by dog-odor, but also in how they interact with search environments, volunteers and judges.

Additionally, Sue will cover some management tips to make your parking lot experience more comfortable, how to maneuver your waiting-stations as you approach your turn, and ways to emphasize better focus and less distractibility during searches.

This webinar is not just for those of us with reactive dogs, but also useful for instructors, judges and officials who set and manage trials. 


This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.


"Learning to help my reactive dog have a fuller life" Cheryl S.

"Sue is excellent at presenting and explaining her ideas and she is funny too!" Ida A.

"I just love listening to Sue and her dialogues for the dogs!!! Sue is always a wealth of information!" Peg G.

"Sue's insight on the dog's doggy language as an indication of mental/emotional state." Noelle G.

"Great videos and Sue explained the dog behavior and what the handler should do in a way that will stick with me" Kathryn G.

"Sue’s presentation which was light-hearted but so informative and touched on so many nuances and suggestions.  I learned so much!!" Sheila T.

"Sue Sternberg herself is a wonderful instructor. So much great information and deeply thought out advice." Pat R.

"Everything ! Sue has thought through everything she presents so carefully and thoroughly" Gretchen G.

"Everything. Sue is so funny; I have to remember not to eat during her talks! Not only could I choke from laughing, but the anal schmeer and penis messages were during my dinner (hahahaha). This talk was so informative. When I got started in NW I was training 2 dogs at the same time and of course I knew nothing. One was friendly and one was fearful. While trying to learn to stay back and out of the dog's way, over time, I noticed Ralphie preferred that I be a lot closer to him while searching than Tulip did. Now I know he wanted that security. Forth dog is a little sensitive, but Sue gave great tips for helping the dogs manage." Brenda K.


Do you a have a reactive dog? Benefit from Sue's extensive background and insights and ways we can better support and help our reactive dogs when training and trialing.

Are you a Scent Work trial host, staff member or volunteer? Having a better understanding regarding reactive dogs can ensure events are safer, run more efficiently and effectively.

Are you a Scent Work instructor? Garner some ideas on how you can better support your reactive canine clients and provide the tools necessary for their handlers.

Dog Behavior Expert

Sue Sternberg

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Sue Sternberg. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.



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- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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