Teaching Mixed-Level Classes

Teaching Mixed-Level Classes

Teaching Mixed-Level Classes

Regular price $50.00
  • Length: 2-3 hours
  • In-Depth Learning Experience
  • Recorded & On-Demand
  • Continual Access

For many years, Michael and Natalie McManus, CNWIs, taught nose work classes in the standard categories by experience level. Over 5 years ago, they switched to mixed-level classes and have seen many benefits, for beginners, advanced students, and themselves.

They will discuss pros and cons, discuss levels vs topics, show examples from classes, and get into the details of when and how to customize exercises for different teams.

NOTE: This module is an additional resource to the Teaching Scent Work Seminar by Dianna L. Santos and Lori Timberlake.


This seminar module has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.


In this seminar, Laurel will cover the following:


Have you taken or are currently going through the Teaching Scent Work Seminar?

This module provides a deeper dive into specifically offering mixed-level Scent Work classes.

Are you a newer Scent Work instructor?

Figure out whether offering mixed-level classes is the way to go for your program!

Are you an experienced Scent Work instructor?

Have you always thought of offering mixed-level classes but was unsure how to go about it? Get the answers to your questions with this presentation!

Scent Work Instructor

Meet the Instructor: Michael McManus

Michael McManus and Natalie McManus grants Scent Work University license to feature their courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.
All of the content in this online seminar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Michael McManus and Natalie McManus.



Go through the seminar material at your own pace, enjoy continual access and refer back to it as often as you like. Watch replays of recorded Q&A sessions with the speaker.

- Continual access to seminar material
- May add-on Q&A session at any time

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