A common complaint for people who are first getting involved in Scent Work is that it is boring for the handler. Not as fun and high-octane as agility! It is true that Scent Work focuses more on the dog, but that is part of the allure! In this webinar, we will discuss some ways instructors and handlers alike can ensure Scent Work practice sessions are more engaging for handlers and their dogs.
Let's face it: handlers are the ones who drive their dogs to group in-person classes, field trips, set-up practice sessions and so on. In other words, the dog needs their handler in order to play the Scent Work game. But if the handler thinks Scent Work is boring, the likelihood they will do all of this is much, much lower, if not nonexistent. There are things both instructors and handlers can do to ensure the handlers are more engaged in the dog's Scent Work journey. We discuss these tips in this webinar.
Owner and Lead Instructor
Dianna L. Santos

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.