The Power of Pairing: Search Monster Webinar

Regular price $35.00
Regular price Sale price $35.00
  • Trial Prep
  • Instructor: Tony Gravley
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual Access

Are you curious, what is pairing?

“OMG, Pairing!“

Dog training always seem to have controversial training methods and the topic of pairing is no stranger to controversy. The reality is many times the controversial method is not completely understood. Tony’s Webinar on The Power of Pairing will be loaded with far more than how to pair, it will clarify paring as a training technique and go deep into what makes your dog function based upon the instinctual drives of K9s.

Tony will lay out the system he currently uses (scent association via pairing) and has used for over 35 years for police, military, customs and detection dogs operating in a professional capacity. Over the years, Tony has “tweaked” the system for Companion Detection Dog Sports and this system empowers the dog. The system not only unleashes the instinctual behaviors in the dog but turns on their natural problem-solving skills well beyond a dog with an operant mindset.

Tony will explain and clarify the intricate differences between dogs searching out of instinctual behaviors versus operant behaviors, and how the instinctual side lessens fringe and false responses. Additionally, Tony will explain how distractors no longer become a problem and driving to source becomes the norm.

By all means Tony is not the inventor or originator of “pairing”, but Tony’s system is unique and avoids common potential pitfalls. Tony’s Golden Rules about Pairing will bring clarity to not only the dog but for the handler in understanding the dynamics of pairing.

Tony will dive deep into the explanation of inherited drives of a K9 and ensure the handlers understand the “whys” of pairing, not just the "how we do it" explanation.

Perhaps you didn't start by using pairing or have never used pairing before, not a problem! Tony’s method has been used by countless teams later in their Nose Work career and with epic results completely transforming performance and results.


This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.


"Tony was very generous with his time, answering all questions. The entire webinar was loaded with great information and examples." Joe L.

"loved how Tony explained how nosework really works from a behavior point of view. I'm familiar with operant and classical conditioning but had never thought about how this all relates to nosework. I love learning all this type of detail. Very geeky" Laurel P.

"So much USEFUL information!! Tony laid out his rationale with the scientific reason his method should work and gave concrete examples of why and how it works, then laid out a plan to implement it. Looking forward to his more detailed 6 week step by step plan." Renee G.

"I always felt I needed a good explanation for pairing and no one has explained it better" Ida A.

"The workshop was terrific, I learned so much. No complaints! It effectively communicated the learning objectives while engaging participants. Well Done. Thank you." Raymond V.

"I loved the sample videos Tony included. I loved the opportunity to ask questions. I love that my access doesn't expire, so I can listen to it again when I need a refresher." Rebecca J.

"Appreciated the details on, not only why, but how to use pairing in a dog's training. I have used pairing with my dogs previsouly, but not consistently. I am motivated to start using pairing consistently and excited to see the results!" Sherry S.

"It taught me not to fear pairing and to use it about 95% of the time." Terry W.

This was an amazing webinar and more information than I hoped for. It has given me a lot to think about when training, and the best explanations of operant vs classical conditioning that I've ever heard. What a gem of a webinar with Tony Gravely! All of the information ( of course) about pairing and so many things I did not know or even consider when considering pairing in training. Who knew? Now searching for some pairing pods and unique ways of setting training hides. I really enjoyed the videos and Tony's explanations." Rachel H.

"He has so much wisdom to share, while i take in person seminars with him, online classes with him. Started my last dog totally the Tony way (worked primary for almost a year), I ALWAYS learn something new on every seminar, webinar and class he gives." Joyce C.

"All of it. Very informational and easy to understand his explanations." Karen L.

"I've heard Tony several times, and always come away with something new. Also, great questions from participants" Susan R.

"I always learn more each time I hear Tony or attend one of his seminars or classes. Very easy to understand and straight forward information to share with my students who “panic” over pairing!" Karen K.

"OMG, Tony is AWESOME! I am truly a fan! I have all of his SWU webinars and have been looking forward to this one. Even though I have heard of some of this information previously in seminars with him, it never hurts to hear it again. Reviewing info is always beneficial to the learner. Moves the info from short-term to long-term storage in the brain." Diane W.

"I appreciated that Tony delved into the power of classical conditioning and nose work. I was especially impressed with the videos of dogs ignoring food distractors placed in close proximation to the hide and ignoring them. I think the webinar is especially powerful for people coming from operant conditioning, to see what a powerful tool pairing is. This webinar also clarified how handlers can undermine the power of using paired hides- and ground rules of pairing. I also appreciated clarification on using secondary reinforcers when using paired hides." Jaime F.


Are you training and/or competing in Scent Work? This webinar will be packed with information not only for the newcomers to pairing but for teams that have a solid history of pairing.

Are you a Scent Work instructor? Get ideas of how you can incorporate pairing into your own training program to best support your clients.

Scent Work Instructor

Tony Gravley

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Tony Gravley. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.



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- May email speaker with questions.

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