One of the most important skills a Nose Work or Scent Work handler can have is mastering the ability to properly read their dog. Learn how to do just that in this webinar!
In this webinar, Michael will discuss reading your dog - one of the basic skills of Nose Work and Scent Work.
This webinar is approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.
"I appreciated Micheals narrative/opinions and games during the webinar" Colleen H.
"it's complete and easy to understand" Carole D.
"Michael broke things down into simple language, and had great ways of explaining things" Heide L.
"So much informations in this webinar. Clear, concrete, lot of examples. The games at the end of the webinar are Gold nuggets for instructors." Marjorie M.
"Learning that I had become dependent upon a specific behavior that our dog would give when the scent was located. It helped me to understand why I was missing the other alerts that our dog would give and miss when the scent was located." Velvet M.
"The reminder about conditioning against negative reaction to "no". I haven't trialed yet but had negative reactions to hearing "no" in class so I know that hearing it in trials will be even more impactful. Excellent to remember that failures are important lessons." Tracy M.
"I liked the videos of the exercises being done. I like the way Michael presents, and the very practical and easy to execute on your own exercises that he recommends." Marissa G.
Scent Work Instructor
Michael McManus

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Michael McManus. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.