Let’s face it, most of us have had things not go perfectly in competition. Many times, the challenge is figuring out which were preventable, and which were anomalies. Join Dana for an in-depth discussion on some common issues that occur in trials and what we can do about them if there is something genuinely to fix. Let’s try to make these mishaps learning opportunities instead of regrets!
Many times when mistakes happen at trials we don’t have a true grasp of what went wrong. Was it a lack of understanding from the dog? Was it something we as a handler did? If it was a missed hide, was it the handler’s fault for not covering the search area? Was the dreaded “no” a result of my dog lying to me? So many questions that often don’t seem to have satisfying answers.
In this webinar, Dana will look at a few of the common mishaps that happen in trial and offer some answers as to why they may have happened and determine what needs to change, if anything. Let’s try to make these mishaps learning opportunities instead of regrets!
This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.
"Practical, clear...better idea of setting goals for trialing." Karen B.
"I learned new tips and understanding. And some of guidance, I have been doing for quite some time, so that made me feel good about my approach to trials." Hildy R.
"It was great as always! Dana’s focus on JOY for the dog." Pam O.
"Dana 's easy going demeanor and love for the dog." Rita M.
"Videos showing an example of what she was talking about. Enjoyed hearing of her persona; experiences and reactions in this situation." Karen P.
"Dana always gives very good examples. I love the videos she uses. I wish there were more of them." Gretchen G.
"Patience is a virtue. Don’t take over the search. Happy exits." Terry W.
"It was when I re-visited this webinar after a recent trial, that I could "SEE" so much more clearly how handling makes so much difference." Sue D.
"Dana giving specific directives about how to view your videos. Setting small goals for each search/trial. Fake it till you make it…not display disappointment or frustration when exiting the search." Sharee N.
"Dana covered so much of what happens, good, bad and ugly, in trials and how to deal with it." Chris C.
Scent Work Instructor
Dana Zinn

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dana Zinn. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.