What is actual hunt drive? It is a term tossed around lots in the Nose Work community but do you really understand hunt drive? Does your dog have adequate hunt drive and how can you get the most out of your dogs hunt drive?
Tony will break down hunt drive and where it comes from in your dog. By understanding where hunt drive originates, you will have a much better understanding of how to get more hunt drive.
In Tony’s typical fashion, there will be not only education reference to what hunt drive looks like but exercises to increase and get the most hunt drive out of your pup! This webinar will be packed with information and techniques and is perfect for all levels of folks playing in the sport. It will not only give you a better understanding of hunt drive but how to evaluate your dog's hunt drive.
This webinar is approved by 2 NACSW CEUs.
"Lots of good advice and explanations" J M.
"Cataloging - getting comfortable in the environment.
Vary amounts of rewards given and vary the reward.
A higher value of the reward - less crittering." Terry W.
"Very knowledgeable dog trainer with a lot of insight. Content was very useful and will shape my training going forward." Susan McClair
"Tony always delivers more than you expect. His specific training examples and video examples demonstrating hunt drive were excellent. His ability to break down the various parts of a search was excellent. His stories were spot on to answer questions." Rachel H.
"First off, I liked the explanation of hunt drive and how it was based on prey drive and the three components of prey drive. I liked his explanation of classical vs operant conditioning and how it affected the dog's drive to source. I learned games to increase drive in intensity to source which I will definitely practice. I will also try the zip tieing technique to secure a hide so the dog does not dislodge it as well as pairing and putting the food just beyond the hide so the dog has to go over the hide to get the food. Overall this was a great webinar and I look forward to the one on Dec. 3." Judith F.
"I always enjoy his webinars, as well as his patreon page and facebook group. They are so informative as he totally injects his own experiences with training many dogs (professional and companion) and he backs up his training logic with science, history, and his own experimentation. I am going to go back to the Pairing webinar and I have my eye on watching his new Detective webinar. Thanks for bringing this stellar instructor to SWU. You do GOOD work" Judith B.
Scent Work Instructor
Tony Gravley

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Tony Gravley. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.