One of our jobs as instructors is to help students break down parts of the Nosework picture they may be struggling with into smaller, manageable pieces. This skill, while well known in other sports, is often overlooked when it comes to Nosework. In agility, for example, we wouldn’t expect a dog to be able to string together a long sequence of obstacles without them understanding how to engage the handler, how to take directional cues, and certainly without exposure to individual obstacles. In Nosework, this takes a little more creative thought.
In this training module, we will begin to unpack how to breakdown advanced concepts into smaller, manageable pieces for our students and develop effective training plans.
NOTE: This module is an additional resource to the Teaching Scent Work Seminar by Dianna L. Santos and Lori Timberlake.
This seminar module has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.
Scent Work Instructor
Meet the Instructor: Michele Ellertson

All of the content in this online course is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Michele Ellertson. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.