Meet Khara Schuetzner

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A professional cadaver dog handler, certified dog trainer, approved Scent Work trial official and accomplished competitor, Khara is an excellent and sought-after instructor when it comes to all things Scent Work!
NACSW CO and Judge
AKC Scent Work Judge
UKC Judge
USCSS Judge and CSD
Cyber Scent Work, Inc. Revie Official
APDT Board Member
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Khara Schuetzner is a North American Police Work Dog Association Cadaver Dog Handler and certified professional dog trainer-knowledge skills assisted, and certified nose work instructor. She is member of the North American Police Work Dog Association, Association of Professional Dog Trainers Board, National Association of Search and Rescue, Animal Behavior Society, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, and American Chemical Society.
As a teenager, Khara train herding dogs and horses on the family farm. She grew up knowing dogs love a job, where it be herding, sniffing, agility, detection, or couch surfing. Khara started her journey detection training in 2010 with a rescue Labrador, Cooper, who was training to be a human remains dog (HRD). At an APDT conference in Atlanta, GA, Khara went to the K9 Nosework talk and instantly became hooked on the new sport and started teaching classes soon after. In 2012, Cooper was neuter and after 16 months of training for HRD, Cooper washed out of detection, due to environmental issues and slowly dog reactivity. Khara taught nosework for her students and for others, so it changes of career that Cooper started nosework.
For the next years, her reactive dog turn into a nosework searching machine and Coopers fears and anxieties slowly went dormant. After working Cooper and five other dogs in nosework, Khara went back to her detection beginning and started Labrador Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg certifies yearly and has worked for local, state, and national governments. Khara’s passion is in watching dog teams learn the dance of odor. She feels taking what the professionals know and applying to competition gives the team an advantage, because you never stop learning from your canine partner.
Khara's household includes: 7 dogs, 2 human remains dogs, three rescue cats, one donkey, Bunny, chickens, three goats, paint horse Freya, and herd of Dorper sheep, and a patient husband, Gabriel. Khara has two strong beliefs in life, "Live in the moment, but don't forget to make a moment, and humans need to listen more to what the animals are telling us and learn to work with them not against them."
Below you will find the online courses, seminars, webinars, eBooks, video reviews and private video consultation services Khara offers through Scent Work University.