Looking for a solid start in your Scent Work training journey? Look no further than this webinar package!
When you purchase this webinar package, you will enjoy a 15% discount on the following online webinars, ensuring you have a solid grasp on the foundational skills you and your dog will need to succeed in Scent Work:
- Back to Foundations: Containers Webinar
- Back to Foundations: Exteriors Webinar
- Back to Foundations: Interiors Webinar
- Back to Foundations: Vehicles Webinar
- Foundation: The Four Pillars of Nose Work Webinar
- Language of Nose Work: Reading Your Dog Webinar
- Pairing: Why and How Webinar
- Power of Semi-Blind Hides Webinar
- Starting with Food: The Whys and The Hows Webinar
- Sniff Busters Webinar
- Why Independence Matters Webinar
Enjoy continual access to these online webinars, meaning you may go through them at your own pace, no deadlines or cut-off dates to worry about.
Order this webinar package today, your dog will thank you!