Indications; Teaching, Training, and Proofing a Final Response Webinar
Indications; Teaching, Training, and Proofing a Final Response Webinar

Indications; Teaching, Training, and Proofing a Final Response Webinar

Indications; Teaching, Training, and Proofing a Final Response Webinar

Regular price $35.00
  • Advanced Topics Program
  • Instructor: Bill Gaskins
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual Access

No matter the system of training, the goal of detection training is that the dog learns "Odor Pays." Indications are the dog's way of letting handlers know they've found target odor. We can defer the indication to what the dog offers, or shape/craft one that works for our dog and is easy to see by the handler.

This webinar will discuss how a TFR is "A" way to craft an indication that can create fluency and understanding for your team.


What did you enjoy abou this webinar? "Pace, instruction, content. I thought it was one of the best." Diane R.


Are you training in Scent Work?

Having as many tools in your toolbox as possible is a good approach for any dog handler to take!

Do you have a dog who offers aggressive alerts (paws, bites, digs, retrieves, etc.)?

Teaching a solid final trained response can be an important part of the puzzle to offer the dog an alternative behavior.

Are you a Scent Work instructor?

Garner some ideas on how you can go about helping your clients should a final trained response be a good match for them and their dog.

Scent Work Instructor

Bill Gaskins

Bill Gaskins grants Scent Work University license to feature his courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.
All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Bill Gaskins.



- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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