How handy would it be to have your dog point to source as an indication? It seems so simple! It seems so sophisticated!
Here we will talk about all the steps involved in how to create the behavior of a nose freeze, how to proof it and perhaps most importantly, why and how it could go wrong!
This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.
"I like the video, observing dogs reactions to me are the best learning tools." Madeleine P.
"Loved the detailed videos. Seeing the process moving through the various steps was just what I needed to see." Blair C.
"I love this Webinar it was so helpful to get duration in my dogs passive alert. I plan on share my knowledge with others I train with to help them with their dog duration indication. Thank you loved it." Michael T.
"Easy to follow and lots of info about why we are doing a certain thing and how it helps." Jan T.
"The emphasis on the recognition between the cob and the communication. I started to recognise it better as we progressed. Because I rewarded it before she looked back she stayed in position longer. Also I loved seeing all the cattle dogs in the videos, (mine is a cattle dog)." Janis F.
"Being able to watch dogs that were similar to mine and how she explained how to deal with their behaviors (biting, pawing at the hide). Also seeing how the one for one reward ratio was not what got the desired behavior and resulted in look backs. My dog is also at the NW3 level and I wondered if it was too late to teach her these concepts. It was reassuring to know that it was not too late. She likes her food and turns away from source to get her reward quickly. I am excited to try these exercises before our next trials." Judith F.
"I have a few dogs in my classes that do "fly-by's" on hides AND usually their handlers are the ones who give one big treat for a hide and that's it (these are dogs relatively new to odor, not Elite dogs). So I have been using a technique somewhat similar to this with some (I used it with my own dog) -- not to the point of a long freeze but a "point & hover". So this gave me a few ideas plus let me know I am on the right track with how I'm working it with these dogs. I have enjoyed and learned from every webinar I've seen of Michele!" Judy A.
Scent Work Instructor
Michele Ellertson

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Michele Ellertson. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.