We oftentimes hear the term, "go back to foundations" when it comes to training in Scent Work. Foundations are everything!
Learn what this saying really means means, the benefits of foundations and how to go about this specifically in regard to Container searches with this webinar.
Better still, this webinar will include contributions from Natalie McManus, Laurel Scarioni and Lori Timberlake, wow!
This is the first webinar in a four-part series:
- Back to Foundations: Containers Webinar
- Back to Foundations: Interiors Webinar
- Back to Foundations: Exteriors Webinar
- Back to Foundations: Vehicles Webinar
This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.
"Loved seeing the demonstrations of dogs working through the exercises. Also, the explanations and graphics of how to set up and play the games are very clear and easy to understand." Jolynn W.
"I'm stuck at NW2 with my nearly 3-year-old hound mix - after at least six trials we keep failing at containers, and I am about ready to give up the sport. I know I need heavy remedial container training as I am in a group nosework class already but we never do containers, or when we do it is set up to focus on classmates talking to the handler and dogs working through that distraction. I need more and clearly need foundational work again. I feel like this webinar revisits the step by step of that but also gives some new insights. Excited to try it with my dog!" Barbara L.
"As always, your detailed slides with the setups. I particularlly liked molecules will interact with the space. I am very visual and so that is super helpful. I loved the video and the reminder to pay the dog when they are at source and not looking at you. The videos are always helpful and to show variations for set ups. My most favorite was the diagrams of the dog leading and that triangLe space and when dog slows, stops and turns the diagram and how to pivot and when to move was so good. Heehee the handler in the lead. Truly your diagrams are so helpful to understand the concepts. Thank you!" Terri G.
"Hugely insightful webinar. Biggest lightbulb moment was the advice to let the container sit for 15-20 minutes before running the dog. It explains why my dog always quickly found the paired hide but struggled with the unpaired hide - in both situations, I set up the containers and then almost immediately ran the dog. Thank you!' Kym R.
Owner and Lead Instructor
Dianna L. Santos

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.