Intro to Control Unleashed Webinar

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Live Webinar: April 10th at 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET
  • Support Your Dog
  • Instructor: Adam Skandarani
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual Access

Delve into the Control Unleashed (CU) program with Certified Control Unleashed Instructor Adam Skandarani CCUI, KPA-CTP, as they take you through key concepts, exercises and pattern games.


Originally designed for the energetic and unfocused sport dog, Control Unleashed has since been adapted for puppies, reactive pet dogs, and the average friendly goober who might need to give their owner a little more attention.

Adam will discuss the key concepts of the Control Unleashed program, and of course, discuss Pattern Games, which can help normalize the world for your fearful Fido, or just help hone in your friendly Fido's exuberance.

You'll learn tiny skills we tend to take for granted, as well as games that will help with common household issues such as door dashing, leash-pulling, and jumping up on guests.

Your shy little guy would also benefit through the resilience building power of pattern game!

Not only is Adam a close friend and mentee of Leslie McDevitt, the creator of the Control Unleashed program, they are also a mentor for those on the certification program for trainers.


This webinar has been approved for 1.5 KPA CEUs.


Join us on April 10th at 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET for the live webinar where you may ask Adam questions in real-time and receive free, continual access to the fully edited webinar replay.


Cannot make the live webinar? No worries! Order the webinar replay and go through the material at your own pace. There are no deadlines or cut-off dates to worry about. We fully edit all our live webinars, so the replay will be posted to the Scent Work University site by the end of the day on April 11th.


This webinar will be helpful for dogs who are overly enthusiastic greeters, reactive dogs and shy dogs.

Dog owners who are new to clicker training and positive reinforcement training will also find this webinar helpful.

Professional dog trainers who are working with reactive and shy dogs may also helpful tips and tricks from this presentation.

Control Unleashed Instructor

Adam Skandarani

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Adam Skandarani. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.



- Ask speaker questions in real-time.
- Free and continual access to replay.
- May email speaker with questions.


- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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